Student Admission

Personal  Data Protection Policy

Enrollment Info

Student Selection and Admission

Genesis School accepts students from a referral base which includes psychologists, psychiatrists, evelopmental pediatricians, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, learning support teachers, mainstream school principals and teachers and parents of current and previous students.

Genesis School policy expressly prohibits the use of recruitment agents as they may compromise the quality of the student selection and admissions process.

Student Placement

Placement in classes at Genesis School for Special Education is based on four criteria: age, level of language acquisition, cognitive/academic functioning and behaviour. Initial placement is determined based on psychological, speech and occupational therapies assessments, and observations and information from parents gathered via the Basic Information Form by the Principal. The student is placed in the class where the primary focus of the class will best address the facilitation of the Individual Education Program (IEP) upon approval of the Principal and Vice-Principal representing the Academic Board.

Enrolment Procedures

Initial consultation with Vice-Principal to understand the child’s strength and needs.
Invitation for School visit to review class placement, and long term objectives.

  Enrolment requirements include:

  •  A current psycho-educational evaluation
  •  A current speech/language and audio logical evaluation
  •  Previous school records
  •  Current medical records
  •  Completed enrolment application form
  •  Placement fee
Enrolment Fees

A one time class placement fee of $1,400 (before 9% GST) shall be paid to Genesis School for Special Education Pte Ltd at the time the application form is submitted to secure enrolment for the student at the school.

Also due at the time of enrolment is an annual registration fee of $1,600 (before 9% GST). In subsequent years, this registration fee must be received 1 month on or before 1st quarter of the following year.

Note: With effect from 1 January 2024, all fees will be subjected to 9% GST charge.

Tuition Fees
(before 9% GST)
(before 9% GST)
(after 9% GST)
Early Intervention (half-day)
Pre-Kindergarten I (half-day)
Pre-Kindergarten II (full-day)
Kindergarten (full day)
Junior (full day)
Senior (full day)
Supplementary Fund   $700
Admission Trial            $150 (half day)
Annual Registration
Fees for Summer School
Tuition Fees
(before 9% GST)
(before 9% GST)
(after 9% GST)
Early Intervention (half-day)
Pre-Kindergarten I (half-day)
Pre-Kindergarten II (full-day)
Kindergarten (full-day)
Junior (full-day)
Senior (full day)
Supplementary Fund  $700
Admission Trial            $150 (half day)
Annual Registration
Visa Differentiation Fee
Fees for Summer School

*Please note that a 9% GST is charged on all fees, therapy billings and surcharges with effect from 1 January 2024.

*Payments to be made in Singapore Dollars only.

Industrywide Course Fee Protection Insurance Scheme (IWC)

Genesis School for Special Education hereby confirms and undertakes to the Student that it has in place a Industrywide Course Fee Protection Insurance Scheme as stipulated by the Council for Private Education (CPE).


Genesis School for Special Education – appointed IWC provider : Lonpac Insurance Bhd

The scope of cover will indemnify students enrolled at Genesis School for Special Education during the Period of Indemnity up to the Limit of Indemnity for :

  1. Loss of Student Fees paid by the Student to Genesis School for Special Education in the event that the Student is unable to commence, continue with or complete the Course due to a Termination Event during the Period of Insurance. The indemnity provided herein shall be limited to the portion of paid Student Fees deemed un-utilised as at the date of the Termination Event and pro-rated to the time elapsed in respect of that part of the Course as relates to the Student Fees paid and to the extent the same is not refunded to the Student and/or
  2. Genesis School for Special Education failure, refusal and/or neglect to discharge or satisfy the whole or part of the Judgment Sum within fourteen (14) days from the date from which Genesis School for Special Education is obliged to discharge or satisfy the Judgment Sum or if no time for discharge or satisfaction is stated therein, within fourteen (14) days of the date of the award of the Judgement Sum.

For the avoidance of doubt, save for the indemnity expressly provided herein, this Policy does not pay for any other Indirect or consequential loss, damage, liability, cost and/or expenses whatsoever suffered or incurred by the Student.

CPE-Approved Student Contract

The students or his/her parent or his/her guardian will enter into the CPE-Approved Student Contract once the student has confirmed to take up a course, CPE will be informed in writing of any changes in the ownership of Genesis School for Special Education Pte Ltd, the programmes or courses offered to the students, new Genesis School staff members or qualifications, addition of centres, etc.

(Download Standard Student Contract)

Refund Policy

A)  Notification and Arrangement

The Principal will inform the student immediately within three (3) working days if

  1. Genesis School fails, for any reason, to commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date;
  2. Genesis School terminates the Course, for any reason, prior to the Course Commencement Date;
  3. Genesis School fails, for any reason, to complete the Course by the Course Completion Date;
  4. Genesis School terminates the Course, for any reason, prior to Course Completion Date; or
  5. The Student’s Pass application is rejected by Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA).

Genesis School will within seven (7) working days of notifying the Student in writing of above circumstances (i) to (v), provide the student with information and details of the alternative confirmed course arrangement to allow the student to make timely and appropriate decision on the alternative arrangement.

B)  Withdrawal for Cause
The student shall be entitled to immediately withdraw from the course by giving written notice to Genesis School of his/her intention to do so if Genesis School is in breach of any of its obligations under this Agreement or fails to perform its obligation(s) under the circumstances clause A (i) to (v).

C)  Refunds for Withdrawal for Cause
Genesis School shall, within seven (7) working days after notifying the student, refund to the student :

  • The entire amount of the course fees; and
  • The Miscellaneous Fees

Genesis School shall also, as soon as practicable after receiving the student’s notice of withdrawal (and in any event no later than seven (7) working days after receiving such notice) refund to the student the amounts stated in this clause (C).

D)  Refunds for Withdrawal Without Cause
Where the student withdraws from the course for any reason other than those set out in Clause (B), Genesis School will subject to clause (B) as soon as practicable after receiving the student’s written notice of withdrawal (no more than seven (7) working days after receiving such notice) refund to the student the following sums (less any applicable bank administrative charges properly paid/payable under Clause 3) :

% of [the aggregate amount of the Course Fees and Additional Fees paid under Clause 1.7 and 1.10] If Student’s written notice of withdrawal is received
100% More than 30 days before the Commencement Date
50% Before, but not more than 14 days before the Commencement Date
0% After, but not more that [•]  days after the Commencement Date

E)  Cooling-Off Period
Genesis School shall provide the student with a cooling-off period of seven working days  after signing this Agreement.  Within these seven days and regardless whether the Course Commencement Date has passed, the student can submit written notice of withdrawal to Genesis School and receive the Maximum Refund amount stipulated by Genesis School under clause D (less any Course Fees consumed by the student if the withdrawal date it later than the Course Commencement Date and the student has started the course, any Genesis School administrative charges which are stipulated in the Miscellaneous Fees and any applicable bank administrative charges properly paid/payable under Clause (C). Any dispute in respect of how much course fees have been consumed pursuant to this clause shall be referred to mediation at the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) through the CPE Student Services Centre and only in respect of such decision, the decision of the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) shall be final and binding on all parties.

Genesis School shall also bring to the Student’s notice of withdrawal by notifying the student of his rights under the cooling-off period, and receive written acknowledgement as provided therein by the student that withdrawal has been brought to his/her notice.

Notice of intention to withdraw a current student from Genesis School shall be given in writing 30 days prior to the commencement of the following term excluding school holiday periods.

Transfer / Withdrawal Process

In keeping with the school’s mission policy, the management recognizes and affirms that students withdraw from the school for a variety of reasons including preparedness for successful entry into a mainstream school, being accepted for enrolment by a local special education school and international students whose family is moving back to their country of origin. All withdrawal applications will be accepted in writing by the principal within seven days and a Leaving Report will be provided as a matter of policy as long as the notice for withdrawal is provided in writing to the school thirty days in advance. The school fully commits to supporting the transitions of all students based on the individual needs of this student and their family.

Genesis School facilitates students’ transfer/withdrawal under the following conditions :

  • If they attained a minimum of 90% attendance rate. This is to satisfy ICA requirement and
  • If they have paid all outstanding fees and do not have any arrears in their payment.

Procedures are followed in order to initiate a transfer/withdrawal :

  • Parents will submit a letter of transfer/withdrawal
  • Genesis School will check on student’s attendance records and ensure that there are no outstanding fees owing by the student
  • Genesis School will contact parents to acknowledge transfer/withdrawal
  • Genesis School will proceed to cancel the student’s pass and to process the transfer/withdrawal via ICA Solar+ System or via hardcopy V36A form, whichever is applicable.
Payment method

All tuition and non-tuition payments to be made in Singapore Dollars Only in the form of cheque or cash.  Receipts will be issued for all payments made.

Dispute Resolution Student Grievance Procedures
Step A Any parent, guardian or student who believes that he/she has a grievance shall take the matter verbally or in writing with the Principal.  The Principal shall provide any opportunity for full discussion of the grievance with the aggrieved parent, guardian or student and keep a record in the student’s file.  The Principal shall respond within three (3) working days.  If the grievance is resolved, the Principal will report the matter to the Academic Board.
Step B If the response of the Principal in STEP A is unsatisfactory to the parent, guardian or student and does not settle the issue, the aggrieved parent, guardian or student may raise the issue to the Academic Board within five (5) working days after the date on which the Principal’s response was made.  The Academic Board shall provide opportunity for discussion and review, and shall respond within three (3) working days after receipt of the grievance from the aggrieved parent, guardian or student.
Step C Grievances which have not been resolved in STEP B, may be taken up with external bodies, e.g CPE or where appropriate. The CPE website is

more details >



Management of Feedback and Complaints

Requests, concerns and complaints are registered by parents and students via the student communication book, email or telephone. Teachers and therapists are required to respond to all requests, concerns and complaints within twenty-four hours. Teachers and therapists are required to go directly to the Principal with a copy of the student communication book or email if they are unable to resolve the request, concern or complaint. The Principal is required to address the issue within forty-eight hours.

Feedback from parents regarding

  1. Adequacy and accessibility of physical facilities
  2. Student transport services
  3. Staff performance
  4. Quality and consistency of communication
  5. Support services

Assessment results and goals are gathered and reviewed via Parent/Student Survey forms on an annual basis. The Principal is required to evaluate and respond to a concern or complaint within fourteen days of receipt of the survey form.

The Academic Board members are required to evaluate the survey forms and recommend any changes or modifications in policy and/or procedure that they deem necessary to address issues presented.

The Principal clearly communicates an open-door policy and invites all parents and students to communicate any request, concern or complaint to her directly via telephone, note, email or face-to-face during the registration process.