Integration Services

Integration Services

Genesis school students have visited UWC every Friday which provides five classes with social integration opportunities. UWC has offered tennis lessons to a group of our students on Tuesday afternoons. Last year, UWC hosted the Genesis School students during UWC Day and gave our students an opportunity to use the science lab, gym, art studio and provided our students with an integrated music lesson and a tour of the library. Not only were the students enriched, the parents also felt uplifted greatly to witness their children being given the opportunities and care offered by the UWC students. UWC has donated a number of books which has helped Genesis School to enrich our curriculum and resources. UWC provided the venue for Genesis schools to host our United Nations Day which was greatly appreciated. The UWC teachers collaborate with the Genesis School teachers to provide a meaningful experience for both sets of students. We would greatly appreciate the continued support of UWC in

“Making a difference in the lives of our children with special needs and their families.”

– Our School Motto

Letter from Andrew Finn

Each week our students from grades three, four and five enjoy hosting and spending time with our friends from Genesis School. The exchange provides our children with the opportunities to help other students and to learn more about other people. From a teachers perspective, it is always very interesting to observe our students and to see how particular bonds and friendships have developed and our students will often ask if they will be involved in hosting the same Genesis group last year. A highlight in the year is always the Genesis School UN Day held in September. Our students at UWCSEA enjoy coming along to this and being involved in the games and activities as well s sampling the various foods and purchasing nick-nack items from stall. Several times recently we have been fortunate when Ms.Lisa Barron talked at our gradewide assemblies. In her talks, she has outlined the origins of Genesis School and explained the similarities and differences between the UWCSEA and Genesis children. This exchange program is a main element in our Local Service program at UWCSEA. We have maintained it for many years and we look forward to many more years of positive exchanges each week.

Andrew Finn

Community Partners

Dear Ms Barron,

My name is Olivia Armstrong and I am one of the volunteers from Tanglin Trust School that is currently helping out on Wednesday afternoons. Firstly, I would like to thank you for the opportunity your school has offered me and the other students from Tanglin. At first, when I was approaching Genesis, I was quite ensure of what the experience would be like; however, I can safely say for myself and the whole of Tanglin that your school has made a large impact on my life. Every week, myself and Samantha Boyce have been working with the same class and every week we experience new things that change the way we are.

As you probably know, Tanglin won’t be visiting this Wednesday as we have our half term break; however, Samantha and I were wondering if it would be possible to come in and work with the children this Wednesday as it truly is one of the most enjoyable things that we have been taken part in. Before we left Genesis last week, we spoke to the class teachers that we have been working with and they said they would love our usual company; however I would confirm that this is ok with you first.

Kind regards,
Olivia Armstrong
Tanglin Trust School